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Almost a quarter of IT freelancers will earn more than 125,000 euros in 2023

Axel Kannenberg
Person im am Schreibtisch, in einer Hand eine Kaffeetasse, die andere Hand an der Tastatur.

(Bild: Pheelings media / Shutterstock.com)

According to a survey conducted in 2023, most freelancers earn good money. But getting new projects is becoming increasingly difficult.

This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

The difficult economic environment in Germany is apparently also having an impact on IT freelancers and other freelancers. This is the result of a study by the agency platform Freelance.de, which was submitted to the iX editorial team. Even though business in 2023 met or even exceeded expectations for the majority, – project acquisition is becoming increasingly more complicated than in previous years.

This year, 53% of IT freelancers and 51% across all freelancer groups now find it difficult to acquire new projects. In last year's survey, this figure was only 31 percent [1]. And only 24 percent currently find client acquisition easy or very easy, compared to 41 percent of respondents last year.

Overall, however, business in 2023 went well for many and met expectations for 44%. For 26%, the year was even more successful than expected. However, across all sectors, financial satisfaction fell from 70% in the previous year to 61%. IT freelancers fared slightly better in terms of financial satisfaction with 64%.

According to the results of Freelance.de, the average hourly rate for highly qualified freelancers is 99.50 euros. For IT freelancers, this was slightly lower at 98.40 euros, while other freelancers charged an average of 100.20 euros. 38 percent had also increased their hourly rate in the past 12 months. In previous years, however, 59 percent had increased their fees – apparently the potential for increases has been increasingly exhausted.

The number of top earners is higher among IT freelancers – almost a quarter (23 percent) would have earned over 125,000 euros in 2023. In other freelance sectors, only 16 percent achieved this. On average, IT freelancers worked 39.8 hours per week, slightly more than other freelancers. The majority of IT freelancers' projects (60 percent) are carried out remotely.

The most important criterion for IT freelancers when choosing their projects is clearly payment. For 85 percent, this is the most important factor. This is followed by aspects such as exciting project content and the fact that it is possible to work remotely. For 57 percent of IT freelancers, the better earning potential was also a decisive reason for becoming self-employed. According to the platform, 1615 freelancers took part in the Freelance.de survey between the end of January and the beginning of March. By far the largest subgroup of respondents worked in the IT sector.

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[1] https://www.heise.de/news/Zufrieden-ab-101-Euro-pro-Stunde-IT-Freelancer-erfreut-ueber-Einkommen-9219560.html?from-en=1
[2] https://www.heise.de/ix/
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